Importance of the Early Years
Watch the video below for great information on the importance of the early years!
It is widely understood that early childhood (from before birth to age six) is the most important phase of development. The early years are the foundation for lifelong learning, behavior and health.
Experiences in the early years shape the wiring of brain connections.
Early brain development establishes a child’s social competence, cognitive skills, emotional well-being, language, literacy skills, physical abilities and is a marker for well-being in school and life resiliency (Blair, 2002; Posner & Rothbart, 2006; Shanker & Greenspan, 2009) .
For more information visit:
The Centre for Excellence for Early Childhood Development has created this great info sheet for parennts. Learn what you can do as a parent to support your child's early years.
Detailed information about brain development and the early years: